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2011 Property Assessment Roll
- Based on the market value of property as of July 01, 2010.
- Total number of accounts on the 2011 Property Assessment Roll is 447,000.
- Total value of the 2011 Property Assessment Roll is $231 billion.
- As a result of the 2011 Assessment, the typical residential property assessment change is 8% between 2010 and 2011.
- This year, approximately 93% of residential properties’ revenue neutral taxes will be within plus or minus 10% of last year’s taxes.
- 45% or just under ½ of residential properties will see a revenue neutral tax decrease due to the 2011 assessment.
- 55% or just over ½ of residential properties will see a revenue neutral tax increase due to the 2011 assessment.
- 2011 median single residential assessment (excluding condominiums) is $410,000 compared to $374,000 in 2010.
- 2011 median residential condominium assessment is $250,000 compared to $233,000 in 2010.
- As a result of the 2011 assessment, the typical non-residential property assessment change is -8% between 2010 and 2011.
- This year, approximately 44% of non-residential properties’ revenue neutral taxes will be within plus or minus 10% of last year’s taxes.
- 32% or just under â…“ of non-residential properties will see a revenue neutral tax decrease.
- 68% or just over â…” of non-residential properties will see a revenue neutral tax increase.
- Any changes to the real estate market after 2010 July 01 will be reflected in values prepared for the 2012 Property Assessment Roll.
2011 Business Assessment Roll
- Based on the typical net annual rental value of business premises as of July 01, 2010.
- Total number of accounts on the 2011 Business Assessment Roll is 25,530.
- Total value of the 2011 Business Assessment Roll is $2.7 billion.
- As a result of the 2011 assessment, the typical business assessment change is -14% between 2010 and 2011.
- This year, approximately 34% of businesses’ revenue neutral taxes will be within plus or minus 10% of last year’s taxes.
- 30% of businesses will see a revenue neutral tax decrease.
- 70% of businesses will see a revenue neutral tax increase
- Any changes to the typical net annual rental market after 2010 July 01 will be reflected in values prepared for the 2012 Business Assessment Roll.
Posted by Jeff Mikolajow
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