RE/MAX refreshes its brand for 2017 - 115,000 agents and counting!
Posted by Jeff Mikolajow on
To make the strongest brand in real estate even stronger, the RE/MAX network today released its refreshed branding with all new logos, fonts and marketing.
Shirley and Jeff Mikolajow have been with RE/MAX for over 20 years and are proud to see this proactive and strategic change and look forward to the creative ways it will be used - while still maintaining the familiarity by clients. "RE/MAX has the #1 brand in real estate and enjoys industry-leading metrics in awareness, familiarity, consideration and likeliness of being recommended."
The RE/MAX balloon, first introduced in 1978, has undergone a few changes over the years and this evolution stays true to its roots and values. The colours and themes will have better continuity between physical…
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